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Aquaderm Hydradermabrasion is a multi-stage treatment where every step is bespoke and individualised for each client. Each step works together to achieve the best results and more purified and filtered skin. The perfect mix of hydra-dermabrasion and incorporation of vitamins, peptide infusions and deep exfoliation to give the ultimate shine. 






E X P R E S S  H Y D R A D E R M A B R A S I O N


Cleanse and exfoliate, uncover a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing skin resurfacing. Extract and hydrate removing debris from pores with painless suction, and finishing with nourishing moisturisers to quench skin.


30min $129



A D V A N C E  D  A Q U A D E R M  H Y D R A D E R M A B R A S I O N


Cleanse and exfoliate, uncover a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing skin resurfacing. Extract and hydrate removing debris from pores with painless suction. Followed with tailored vitamin infusions using each of the 6 specialised heads, to saturate the skin’s surface with antioxidants and peptides to maximise your glow, finishing with a mask followed by a 10min session under the LED 


60min $199



A D V A N C E D  H Y D R A D E R M A B R A S I O N  +  P E E L


Cleanse and exfoliate, uncover a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing skin resurfacing. In addition, we've paired Dermafix's popular Super Bright peel in to target the underlying layers of the skin for optimal results before extracting and hydrating the skin removing debris from pores with painless suction and diamond exfoliation. Finishing your treatment with an LED and saturation of the skin’s surface with Dermafix aftercare products to maximise your glow.


60min $249


A D V A N C ED  H Y D R A D E R M A B R A S I O N 

  + D E R M A P L A N I N G


Cleanse and exfoliate, uncover a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing skin resurfacing. Remove excess 'peach fuzz' with a gentle dermaplaning Extract and hydrate removing debris from pores with painless suction and diamond exfoliation, finishing off your treatment with an LED and Dermafix aftercare products to saturate the skin’s surface and maximise your glow. 


60min $249


Refer to Care Instructions for Pre and Post Treatment Care for facial treatments.

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